Re: BASE element

Paul Williams (
Sun, 21 May 1995 18:17:04 +0500

>If I set the userpg.html BASE element to the following:
> <BASE HREF="http://<my IP addr here>/Projects/userhome/
> userpg.html"
>Does the server look for relative links from the "userhome" level now?
>In other words, if a BASE element isn't specified, will the server use
>it's launching point( Desktop, in this case ) as it's base directory?

the <base> element's argument is the base as the user would type it in on
his/her browser. If your URL for the top page document is

http://<ip here>/Projects/userhome/userpage.html

and you wanted that userhome directory to be the basis for relitave links,
the base would look like this:

<base href="http://<ip here>/Projects/userhome/"> (note no userpage.html) -------------------------------+----------------------+
_ /| | If you _really_ want to see what I would | GAT(GCS) -d+ -p+ c++ |
\,o.O' | like to put here, finger | l u+ e+(++) m@ s+/++ |
=(___)= +---------------------------------------------+ n---@ h++ f(+) !g |
U | Please send all mail through | w++ t++(@) r- y? |
Prodigy? Are you kidding? -------------------+----- AOL: Just say NO!