XMP and HTML 2.0 and 3.0

Marc Baudoin (babafou@ensta.fr)
Tue, 2 May 1995 07:55:43 +0500

Yesterday, I read in the HTML 2.0 draft that the XMP tag was only supported
for backward compatibility and that documents should use the PRE tag. The
XMP tag is not even mentioned in the HTML 3.0 draft.

OK but what should I use if I want a block of text to be inserted without
any interpratation of HTML tags? I really need it. Did I miss something?

                           ___  ________ _       École Nationale Supérieure
       Marc Baudoin       | __\| _|_   _/ \        de Techniques Avancées
    <baudoin@ensta.fr>    | __\____ | |/ _ \
                          |___\_____|___/ \_\       http://www.ensta.fr/