RE: When Cultures Collide

Robert Saint John (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 21:37:02 -0500

......But, it is not my nature to accept their ofserings
uncritically because I don't accept any
gifts or welcome any guests whose efsect
is unclear or whose greetings are evasive.
So, Robert St J., while we should all practice
restraint and not exercise our demons,
we should get clear unambiguous answers because
we have to make decisions about purchases,
directions, and the future of our environment.
It is fair and prudent business practice to
look at the horse's teeth and ask for its papers....

Ahh, but Len, you missed two things!

1) I clearly stated I was pointing *no* fingers, precisely because....
2) I happen to agree with the points you are trying to make about =
ActiveVRML! I never considered your posts to be MS bashing. You are =
asking intelligent questions, and making well thought remarks. I and, =
IMHO, a few others on the list, were not. OTOH, I don't suddenly =
consider MS to be saints, white gods, etc. just because VE now works! =
I'm just saying, "They're here...they're doing good work...let's work =

Consider it a confession more than anything else <g>....please keep =


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