Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)

Christopher Fouts (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 14:01:58 -0500

On Dec 14, 10:55am, Cindy Reed wrote:
> Subject: Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)
) Your idea is basicly the same as the animation technique of
) in which an object may have it's own transformations, but is always
) subject to the transformations of it's parent object.

Perhaps, I'm missing something about what you're asking for, but that's
the whole idea of the heirarchical scene graph. For example, if have
the following pseudo-VRML:

Separator {
DEF Shoulder Rotation {...}
Separator {
...Upper arm geometry...
DEF Elbow Rotation {...}
Separator {
...Lower arm geometry...
DEF Wrist Rotation {...}
Separator {
...Hand geometry...
...etc. down to the fingers....

then, when I rotate the Shoulder, the whole arm rotates about the
shoulder point. If rotate the Elbow, the upper arm stays fixed, and
the lower arm and hand are rotated together. Similarly, if I were to
translate the Shoulder (or more likely, translate the body to which the
Shoulder is attached), the whole arm would move.

Did I misunderstand your request?


Chris Fouts, SGI, Atlanta, GA -- Email: Vmail: 5-8714 -- Fone: (770)-475-0464 -- Phax: (770)-475-4414

"A big vocabulary is neat."

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