Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)
Cindy Reed (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 10:55:15 -0800
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Christopher Fouts: "Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)"
> In VRML 2.0, I can
> envision users wanting to provide their own navigation controls via a
> 3D cockpit, for example.
>-- End of excerpt from Christopher Fouts
Your idea is basicly the same as the animation technique of "parenting";
in which an object may have it's own transformations, but is always
subject to the transformations of it's parent object.
For example your hand can move by itself but if your arm moves, your hand
goes with it.
In the same way a cockpit model parented to a camera would remain
stationary from the perspective of the viewer even as the camera moves
through the scene.
Maybe what we need is the ability to parent objects to any other object,
not just to cameras.
| |
|\ | Cindy Reed |
_/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | ,
\ .4 | CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION |\__//
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