Re: Billboarding

Cindy Reed (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 10:09:49 -0800

On Dec 14, 6:27pm, Michael Pichler wrote:
> Subject: Billboarding
> I just modified the example of Christopher (stationary objects) to
> esslect Billboarding (as Cindy liked), and it works with Inventor. As
> this may be very useful, something like this should go into the VRML
> 2.0 spec - this should NOT be understood to promote Inventor.
>-- End of excerpt from Michael Pichler

yes yes yes!

The only comment I could make is that you should be able to constrain the
rotation to a single axis so things like trees don't look quite so

Thanks for cooking up the examples you guys! That really helps!


        |                                         |
    |\  | Cindy Reed |
  _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. |    ,
  \ .4  |       CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION        |\__//
   `--'\|            |`--'

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