converting egb to ambient, difsuse, and emmisive color

David Ashman (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 10:40:52 -0600

I have a program that allows you to draw floor plans and have them converted to
VRML for viewing. They are allowed to alter the colors of things. In
particular, I have predrawn a sofa, chair, and table that I would like to allow
the colors to be changed for. If all I have is the egb values of the selected
color, how can I get the ambient, difsuse, emissive and all the other color
info I need to make it look right. If there are algorithms of equations, could
you please give them to me? I need this ASAP!!!!! Thanks.

Mail directly to me at AND



                           _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/ _/   _/       _/       _/_/_/_/
Dave Ashman              _/    _/  _/       _/  _/       _/_/      _/     _/     _/      _/ _/       _/ _/       _/  _/     _/     _/ 
Product Developer     _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/   _/_/       _/    _/    _/_/_/_/
Tripos, Inc.         _/      _/ _/       _/ _/     _/      _/   _/      _/
(314)647-1099       _/      _/ _/       _/  _/   _/        _/  _/       _/
                   _/      _/ _/_/_/_/ _/   _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/
		Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back 
		     and instsad of bleeding, he sings.

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