Another way to do this that will be possible when Logic/Script nodes
become available is to simply transform the user-space objects by the
camera position and orientation. The following Inventor (sorry, but
its easier to do it this way than translating to one of the proposed
specs plus webspace users can test it out) file illustrates:
#Inventor V2.0 ascii
Separator {
DirectionalLight {}
DEF Cam PerspectiveCamera {
position 0 0 5
Separator {
Material { difsuseColor 1 0 0 }
Cube {}
Separator {
Transform {
translation = USE Cam.position
rotation = USE Cam.orientation
Translation { translation 0.2 0 -.6 }
Material {
difsuseColor .4 .6 .4
Cube { width .1 height .2 depth .2 }
Note that webspace doesn't honor the field connections, so you'll have
to view it in an Inventor file viewer to see the effect.
To me, being able to have 3D objects in user space is much more
interesting than being limited to 2D images. In VRML 2.0, I can
envision users wanting to provide their own navigation controls via a
3D cockpit, for example.
--Chris Fouts, SGI, Atlanta, GA -- Email: Vmail: 5-8714 -- Fone: (770)-475-0464 -- Phax: (770)-475-4414"A big vocabulary is neat."