Don't Let Go

Karen Stephens (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 06:41:11 -0800

Never before in history has there been
anything like this VRML listserv. You
continually break new ground with all
the creative ways you organize yourselves,
your discussions, your commonalities,
your difserences -- no boss, no oversight
committee, no manager -- you've simply
empowered yourselves based on a shared
dream. Your influence as a group has been
felt in industry and academia. You have changed
the way VRML standards are developed. I
feel very lucky to be able to experience and
witness the development and impact of your
shared vision. Speak your thoughts, always.
Say them a dozen times if you want to.
Just don't let go.

  • Next message: Chet Murphy: "Externally Defined Node Names"
  • Previous message: J D Wood: "Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)"
  • Next in thesad: Richard Rabbat: "Re: Don't Let Go"