Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)

J D Wood (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 13:38:33 +0000

On Dec 14, 1:23pm, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> Subject: Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)
> J D Wood (Computer Studies) wrote:
> <snip>
> > As an aside, this is something that is currently possible using Webspace on
> > or PC (and something I have been using)
> >
> > An example of some text can be found at
> >
> >
> not accessible (permissions problem maybe?)

Oops sorry, gratuitous use of cut and paste. It should of couse be :-

We have an 'impled' WWW directory here
> BTW, the VRML test link on your page gives errors on Webspace (wont load the
> unknown field "fields" at line 738 and 1541)

Yeah, I sometimes get this error, but then sometimes I don't <shrug>.
I just tried it on SGI Webspace with no probs, but I'll take a look at it.
usually get it on the PC version and I kinda put it down to lack of disk space
(but could well be wrong)

> >
> > which has 2 ascii text nodes, only one of which is movable.

> I was always meant to ask you about these static text nodes but was too
> Now I hope I'll check them out
> Cheers

    | ___  ___ |         "I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it,
    |/   \/   \|             you can't prove anything."

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