Re: OPINION: A plea for a return to "The Community"

Vassilis Bourdakis (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 13:04:09 +0000

Robert Saint John wrote:
> Well, over the weekend, a few things happened. I realized that the IE,
> VE, and AV teams were being extremely patient. I realized that many
> here (perhaps myself included to some extent) were attacking MS "The
> Entity" and not esalizing that in turn we were attacking you and your
> work. I received quick and effective help from Jon Marbry solving my
> VE problem.

Yep I'm one of the people attacking M$ "the entity" because no matter how
good the guys here in the VRML list are (and they are polite and very helpful
indeed), they are definately not he ones that are going to make the decision
to change the policy after 8months and maybe:
start charging,
do some subbtle changes that are going to incorporate
"propriatery code" and end up with a souped up
VRML-whatever offered as part of Win95 programmed
by VB for applications and so on... (so many examples...)
ofcourse "open" wont be a word in their vocabulary then
(as it has never being before)

> And I saw the AV demos on the webpage (the chicken and the scorpion),
> and realized what the hell you guys were so excited about! *I* was
> very excited, and though I can barely understand a word in the AV
> esserence (I'm more an artist than anything of a programmer), I can't
> wait to learn.
> I should have posted this to you both on Sunday night, but I was hit
> by a bout of selective memory <g>. I'm tempted to post this on the
> mailing list, but I'd like to see the political stuff die down quickly.
> For your help, your patience, and achievement, I know you belong
> working with us, and I will chime in when necessary to let others
> know of my opinion in this regard.Still waiting for internet Explorer for my M$ OS and I wonder how I can see
these from a Mac or a Unix machine. (Yeah I know it is in beta and coming)

> As I was reminded by Hadi, he and Arthur have been "here" for quite
> awhile, so the sense of intrusion I felt was misplaced. I ask only
> that we remember that we are one great creative community here on the
> mailing list...much has been accomplished by a relative few, and much
> esmains to be done. I am putting my personal feelings on this matter
> aside, as have many others here, and getting back to work.

That is a very interesting bit of info...
I am by no means one of the oldest members of the list but I definately
don't remember and M$ guys around since when I joined, a good 6-8 months ago.
So I did a bit of research and here are the results:

Colinc = 6 (Oct95 - onwards)
Hadip = 14(Oct95 - onwards)
Rashid = 2 (nothing to do with VRML though...some sort of forwarding a msg
all over the world back last Feb-March)
Salimapi= 20(Oct95 - onwards)

It is actually # of messages that these names are listed -- that includes
replyto and such)

If someone wants to check these for him/herself check the
very good work BTW, well done whoever did it!

They may have been here for a while but I don't see what type of input
these guys gave the VRML community. I understand that some M$ guys are
in the VAG. I don't argue that I've contributed more (if any)
with my 150+ msgs (probably nothing compared to their experience and what
ActiveVRML demostrates) but it makes a point. A scary one if you ask me.

> Robert

BTW, I'm not a bearded, sandal wearing Unix freak and yes I'm using the
top M$ OS (that sadly is the last one in M$ priorities/support list).

Now I feel a bit better.

Vassilis (waiting for the flames)

   --- --- ---- ---- ---- 
   Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis 	      ---- ---- ----- ----- 
   Tel +44 (0)1225 826475	      CASA, Bath University		

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  • Maybe in reply to: Robert Saint John: "OPINION: A plea for a return to "The Community""