Re: Getting JAVA to work period.

Mike McCue (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 03:38:53 -0800

>Java is BLOODY slow, the examples I have seen:
> -run slowly.
> -take for ever to load(forget using them on 14.4).
> -look cheesy.
> -don't impress me at all.
> -don't blend into homepage's.

Actually, there is a lot to be said for Java. If used properly, (and that is a
big if since there is no "style guide" yet for developing Java apps), you can
achieve incredible results. If used poorly, like any language, you get lousy
results. Unfortunately, most of the apps out there now are indicative of the
lack of documentation and production development tools. So i think what you
are perceiving as a problem with Java is really more a problem with some of the

>NOW...on the other hand thanks to this mailing list I have gotten WebFX
>working with the 2.3b Netscape ... AND IT ROCKS!!! This is useful.

Thanks! (hearing stuff like this really makes my day)

If you think it's cool now, wait till you see what we're doing with Java...
VRML and Java make an incredible team. Morphing, animation, behaviours, you
name it, VRML/Java can do it...

- mike

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