Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity
D. Owen Rowley (
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 02:40:28 -0800
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To: "Gavin Bell" <>
From: (Anthony Parisi)
It might not seem to matter to some people how Y is oriented, but it matters
a lot to browser writers, who take the heat for screwed up content. Y is up
in VRML, it always has been.
Pay no mind- just feeling puckish - what with all the stuff flying about.
it makes me smile :-)
I seem to recall making quite a bit of noise in the past that
*knowing which way was up* meant more in virtual space than
folks yet esalised. ( pardon the pun)
We certainly live in interesting times though- don't we ?
LUX ./. owen
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Mike McCue : "Re: Getting JAVA to work period."
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D. Owen Rowley: "Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"
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Greg Gerber: "Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"
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Richard Hubbard: "Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"