VR Scout 1.2 beta plugin: Faster, Better. Try it.

Dan R. Greening (greening@zuni.chaco.com)
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 18:01:08 -0800

Chaco's latest product, VR Scout 1.2 Plugin, is now available for beta
testing. VR Scout 1.2 is a Netscape 2.0b3 compatible plugin, so you'll
need to get the latest version of Netscape (or use some other web browser
that supports Netscape plugins) to use it.

VR Scout 1.2 is about 4 times faster than VR Scout 1.1, fixes several
bugs, and includes many new features. VR Scout now brings the best of
both worlds: Amazing speed plus great VRML standards compliance. Enjoy!

Download via anonymous FTP from


Run the file on Windows95 or Windows/NT 3.51 to install.

A few caveats:
If you're using Worldview and want to continue doing so, you may
have problems, since we install the latest version of Reality
Lab, and they don't work with it, we don't think. You should be able
to copy rl*.dll and the contents of the rl directory in your Windows
system directory and restore that version of Reality Lab, or just
re-install Worldview again.

If you use the WebFX plugin, you'll want to move it out of the
Netscape 'plugins' directory so Netscape can find VR Scout. It's
a pain to switch between WebFX and VR Scout for now, and we're
hoping Netscape will solve this in a future beta.

Check out the esadme for some more caveats and information about
this release.

This release runs on Windows 95 and NT only. A later release will run on
Windows 3.1.

If you run into any problems or successes with VR Scout, please mail us at:


Please send us comments, love letters, URLs that crash or look funny,
thoughtful remarks, licensing offers, bundling opportunities, partnership
suggestions, and party invites. Chaco is small, but we want to contribute
cool stuff to the world and to you. If you like us and our products, tell
your pals so we can keep contributing! Thanks!

Jim Doubek
Pritham Shetty
Ron Lussier
Dan Greening
Glenn Crocker

Dan Greening, Ph.D. Chaco Communications, Inc. 10164 Parkwood Dr. Suite 8
greening@chaco.com 408-865-0657 fax 865-0571 Cupertino, CA 95014
Create multimedia social spaces with Pueblo. http://www.chaco.com/pueblo/

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