Re: Intellectual Property Trap.

Neophytos Iacovou (
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 19:39:40 -0600 (CST)

Anthony Parisi writes:

> > I think most of us agree that if the above line deals with the source
> > code then we can live with that. Sounds fair. But we want the protocol
> > in the PD. Or at least, the version of ActiveVRML we decide should be
> > associated with VRML should be in the PD (like what happened to
> > OpenInventor - we can modify the VRML spec but at the same time SGI can
> > modify the OpenInventor spec).
> Do you mean that you want the spec. for the data format in the PD?

Yes. I am still uncertain if Microsoft has/will given up ownership of

Neophytos Iacovou Distributed Computing Services
University of Minnesota 100 Union St. SE
email: Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA

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