Charging for ActiveVRML

Hadi Partovi (
Wed, 13 Dec 95 14:33:23 PST

Message-ID: red-20-msg951213223456MTP[01.51.00]000000e9-8474

fyi - the microsoft activevrml browser will be *free*, i.e. 0.00$.

this means Microsoft will not make more money than Paper Inc or anybody
else by selling activevrml browsers.

I like many of the discussions going on about Microsft and ActiveVRML,
because they are very mature and reveal a clear understanding of the
business and technical issues involved, even if they are often worded
rather harshly against Microsoft - that's something I have learned to
live with.

but please get your facts straight, and please consider there may be a
possibility that microsoft is actually not trying to rip you off
maliciously with activevrml, but that maybe microsoft thinks activevrml
is a technically better solution to a very difficult problem and maybe
microsoft is trying hard to be a good internet citizen despite what you
think about its "previous history"

of course there is no black and white, and I'm not at all saying
microsoft is an angel, but some of the anti-Microsoft arguments out
there are simply wrong, wheesas others are very insightful and have
caused people here to actually change plans (e.g. when Jay Torborg
announced that the source code for the "parser" for ActiveVRML will be
distributed freely just as QvLib was).

- Hadi

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