Re: An URL to ponder

James Waldrop (
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 12:30:08 -0800

>There is really no such thing as a "100% safe" system.

Right, so what's the worry about Java? Why single Java out for being
ginsecure". You can't say that Java is insecure, just that you don't
know if it is secure. That's all I tell people myself.

>Actually, [Correct me if I am wrong] Java gives you access to system level
>DLL's! So what stops me to send a virii DLL along with my Java applet!?

Access to the DLLs is not available to applets loaded over the network.

>Jave CLAIMS to be "oh so safe", and then it has a LOT to live up to.

Do you know of any holes in Java? Please come forward if so. Until
you do, though, it's as safe as anything else.


James Waldrop                        /          Technical Director              /              Construct Internet Design               /        

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