Re: WebFX's Sprite node

Cindy Reed (
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 08:04:32 -0800

On Dec 12, 5:55pm, Mitra wrote:
> Mike, Greg
> Looks like this is, as Mathew says, a subset of my suggestion. Do you
> my proposal would be significantly more complex? Do we need to do
> One question - how is the size of the resulting image defined in the
> node?
> - Mitra
>-- End of excerpt from Mitra

I wanted to comment that the biggest difference that I see is that
WebFX's Sprite uses a texture, and your Billboard uses a textured
polygon. I think this is an important distinction. I've found that
(apparent) download time is decesased if multiple textures are placed on
a single image which is then instanced to several objects. This practice
is commonly used on large scale VR projects. I'd sure like to be able to
use that with Billboard objects.


        |                                         |
    |\  | Cindy Reed |
  _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. |    ,
  \ .4  |       CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION        |\__//
   `--'\|            |`--'

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