Pioneer Joel (SuperBowlXXX@asu.edu)
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 05:07:37 -0700 (MST)
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Next message: Len Bullard: "ActiveVRML"
Previous message: Paul Burchard: "Synchronization and Optimization in 3D and 4D Approaches"
Next in thesad: James Waldrop: "Re: ignorace"
What is it exactly that I need to type to
get other browsers to ignore the SGI-specific
"Rotor" node?
If I want to use
rotation 0 1 0 1.1
speed .1
what else should I include to make it legal.
Some one answered this before, but I couldn't
get it from that...............................pioneer.joel@asu.edu
- Next message:
Len Bullard: "ActiveVRML"
Previous message: Paul Burchard: "Synchronization and Optimization in 3D and 4D Approaches"
Next in thesad: James Waldrop: "Re: ignorace"