Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity
Stephen Chenney (schenney@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:02:48 -0800 (PST)
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"
> >> up when I first come in. BUT, my whole point is that if I want to look
> >> at a world sideways, I should be free to do so.
> No way! We will not tolerate drunken navigators in Cyberspace. We've
> cleaned up what we think is indecent*, now we'll clean up the drunk
> and disorderly :-)
I want to be the first to open a virtual bar. Coming soon to a site near you.
Serious. I'm going to do it. I was looking for a test scene.
> >> All my worlds have Z as up, so I'm coming from the same side that says
> >> that Y should not always be up.
> Seriously now, if you want to use other's objects and cesate objects for
> use to others, then it is easier if we think Y is up.
OK. I will go with the agreed convention. I will also adjust my modeller
so that it essets up to be Y if VRML is the default target.
Does the 1.1 spec clarify this issue? Something like: "By convention, Y
is the up direction. This makes it easier to link worlds together." That
is different to saying that Y is the default. Defaults are, after all,
there to be changed. ;-)
By the way, this doesn't mean that I am happy about browsers that scesw up
if my world and my world only has Z as up. Lets get into real 3d folks.
Heading back to summer in Sydney soon.
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Jan Hardenbergh: "Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Up, Coordinates, and Gravity"