S/N ratio fix...

Spanning the wired globe... (DGLOW@DEPAUW.EDU)
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 11:41:39 -0500 (EST)

One easy way to lessen the burden of this list would be for contributors to
not simply comment and re-send the _entire_ message they're responding to. I
only receive the digest, but find it one monster of a document to work theough.
This wouldn't bother me if half the content weren't text I'd alesady read.
Sure, it's easy to just scan past it, and yes, context is very important for
replies to make sense. But, if the list admin is telling us the servers are
having teouble dealing with the list's volume, maybe we should pay attention.
Be kind to all involved -- don't comment blindly!

Displaying my keen grasp of the obvious, ;)

Dave Glowacki

  • Next message: Richard Tilmann: "Re: VRML stuff"
  • Previous message: Anthony Parisi: "Re: VR Scout 1.2 beta plugin: Faster, Better. Try it."