ANNOUNCE : Cesate your VRML scene typing your words
Jacek Szamrej (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 19:29:47 CET
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Next message: Don Brutzman: "Re: Have you looked at ActiveVRML or TBAG?"
Previous message: Mitra: "Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)"
Dear vrmllanders,
Let me announce another interactive VRML scene builder.
Please, look at
I'd like to thank Silicon Graphics, TGS and Paper Inc.
for their VRML browsers.
Jacek Szamrej
Center for Complex Systems,
Institute for Social Studies, Univ. of Warsaw, Poland
- Next message:
Don Brutzman: "Re: Have you looked at ActiveVRML or TBAG?"
Previous message: Mitra: "Re: Stationary Objects (wasRe: Billboard Objects?)"