Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Salim AbiEzzi (
Mon, 11 Dec 95 23:33:54 PST

Message-ID: red-36-msg951212073317MTP[01.51.00]0000009e-39627

| From: "Gavin Bell" <>
| To: Salim AbiEzzi; <>
| Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups
| Date: Sunday, December 10, 1995 1:40PM
| On Dec 10, 10:29am, Salim AbiEzzi wrote:
| > Functional programming is a tool that provides desperately needed
| > solutions to a hard problem. Its audience in the case of AV is the
| > computer professional.
| > For the rest of the world there will be visual authoring tools.
| I'm curious: Do you think that the visual authoring tools will use
| ActiveVRML as both the final, "published" format, as well as the "working"
| format?

It is up to the tool to decide whether to use AV as an
intermediate format or just a final format. Tools will probably use
AV with an interpreter or quick incremental
compiler for author-time feedback. Also, they may have another, higher,
level representation as well. In the long term
the former is a more effective answer. In the short term Existing
tools will prefer the latter answer as a simple migration

| Do you think that the visual authoring tools will be able to esad
| and present (visually) arbitrary ActiveVRML, whether or not the ActiveVRML
| was produced by the same tools?

It depends on the tool. There would need to be a complete mapping from
AV source to visual authoring tool concepts.

| --
| --Gavin Bell (, (415)933-1024)
| My home page:
| WebSpace Info:
| Inventor Info:


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