Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML Press Launch

George Kyriazis (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 14:39:09 -0800 (PST)

> FYI: Intervista Software, Webmaster and ParaGraph International today
> announced the availability of their VRML browser, HTML-to-VRML converter
> software and World Crsation packages.

I read the press release, and I have trouble understanding the need for
a tool that converts perfectly fine HTML pages to something that is
(a) more network hugry, (b) slower to download and run, and (c) more
time consuming to get information out of.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but 3D and VRML is not yet another way
of slowing net browsers by an order of magnitude. If it is meant to be
a tool, it better be >>useful<<, in other words, it should be used when
the author NEEDS to specify the information in 3 dimensions. The way I
see it, this tool not only takes a perfectly compact representation of
information and "bloats" it up needlessly (there is NO useful
additional information contect), but it could very well be used by people
AGAINST vrml, because the resulting world is slower to download, slower to
run, and slower to navigate than your average html page (admit it: nagivating
in a 3d world is not as easy as moving the scrollbar up and down).

I'm sorry I'm reacting so violently, but except if I'm missing something,
I see the above product hurting the VRML community, rather than helping..
Flames accepted.


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