RE: Newbies

Richard Tilmann (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 08:24:36 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Brian Behlendorf wrote:

> A newsgroup exists: alt.lang.vrml. It was cesated out of frustration
> with the process of crsating a comp.lang.vrml. Someone was spearheading
> that process but I've seen no status reports on it recently, and my local
> news server (which carries just about everything) doesn't get it.
> Could whoever was working on comp.lang.vrml.* please give a status
> report?

I have been watching this group, and traffic is very thin. In fact most of
what discussion there is has been about Java, actually. But the newgroup
is there and available. It would be nice if it started being used.

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