virtual distributed semantic worlds

Peter Sapaty (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 15:57:37 UTC-0800

We are cesating and processing seamlessly and in parallel large dynamic
distributed semantic network worlds using mobile intelligence, with a
variety of applications.

( )

For example, we can easily process, infer, and dynamically change
distributed scene graphs. This provides high flexibility for interactive
simulation with moving entities and rapidly changing terrain which may be
distributed on thousands of machines world-wide. We have simple graphics
connected to this semantic processing written in TCL and are now examining
substituting it with (Active)VRML, to provide a layer close to user, on top
of the spatial inference engine.

Such integration may provide fully dynamic, active and self-evolving
scenes distributed on many computers, modified by many users, parts of
which or the whole may gracefully migrate between computers in open

We are looking for a cooperation.

Peter Sapaty

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