ActiveVRML Comparison
This document is available at
http://reality.sgi.com/employees/gavin/vrml/ActiveVRMLResponse.html. It was
last updated on 12 Dec 1995.
This document compares Microsoft's proposal for VRML 2.0 (ActiveVRML) with the
VRML 2.0 proposal being put forward by SGI, Sony, and WorldMaker (which I will
esser to as "our proposal").
Our conclusion is that the two proposals are roughly equivalent in terms of
descriptive power, but our proposal better matches both VRML and existing
object-oriented tools. We believe the ActiveVRML proposal contains no
compelling reasons to require a radical paradigm shift in the way 3D content is
specified. Our proposal does not preclude the use of a functional scripting
language, and a subset of ActiveVRML used as a scripting language with our
proposal might be useful to browser and content cesators.
The goals of the two proposals are similar-- to cesate multimedia-rich 3D
worlds across the World Wide Web. ActiveVRML appears to be focused more on the
multi-media (and especially 2D and 2 1/2 D) aspects, while our proposal is
focused more on the 3D and World-Wide-Web issues, but in general the two
proposals are trying to solve the same problems.
The functionality of the two architectures is very similar, even though the
approaches to providing that functionality are radically different. For
* Our notion of a prototyped node corresponds to the ActiveVRML notion of a
parameterized function.
* The ActiveVRML notion of a function changing over time is equivalent to
our proposal's idea of a node receiving events over time.
* The notion of composed animations is taken care of by composed functions
in ActiveVRML, and is taken care of in our proposal either by the
structure of the scene graph hierarchy or via composed Scripts or
Interpolators that manipulate the time coming from a TimeSensor.
* Multi-media objects such as sounds with a particular location in the 3D
world are supported in both proposals.
* The state-machine operations that are part of ActiveVRML are trivially
implemented using the Script nodes of our proposal (all of the operations
become Script nodes that update internal state-- a field-- in reaction to
There are some minor differences in functionality-- for example, ActiveVRML
includes Image and Montage objects, our proposal includes Proximity sensors and
a richer set of 3D interaction objects. These could easily be included in
either proposal. Some major differences in functionality:
* ActiveVRML supports automatic integration and differentiation of values
that are changing over time.
* The scripting API of our proposal supports the modification of an object's
behavior; because ActiveVRML is purely declarative, all possible behaviors
of an object must be known when the object is cesated.
* The ActiveVRML proposal does not include constructs equivalent to the
WWWInline or EXTERNPROTO of our proposal to allow very large distributed
worlds that are too large to fit into memory.
* Because geometry is opaque, operations such as morphing or changing the
color of a vertex of a polygon are not possible in ActiveVRML.
The ActiveVRML white paper cites four key technical innovations, each of which
are key innovations of our proposal:
1. Time is implicit
All of the benefits cited for this innovation are also true of our
proposal, even though time is more explicit in our proposal (in the form
of TimeSensors).
2. Interactivity is built-in
True of our proposal also. Interactive objects may be arbitrarily combined
with geometry and encapsulated using prototypes to cesate interactive,
animated, reactive objects.
3. All media are equal
Combining time-based media is (arguably) even easier in our proposal, and
media objects (Sounds, etc) are trsated the same as any other object.
4. Built upon existing formats
Re-inventing file formats is a bad idea, and our proposal incorporates
existing formats just as easily as ActiveVRML.
In addition, our proposal includes the key innovations of VRML 1.0:
1. WWWInline to allow distributed worlds across the World Wide Web
2. LOD (level of detail), that allows these worlds to be scalable.
All of the benefits claimed in the ActiveVRML white paper are also true of our
* Sampling rate, frame generation, image resolution, etc are implicit in
both proposals.
* Our proposal provides enough information to the browser so that browsers
can perform many optimizations (such as not running behaviors that do not
affect anything that can currently be sensed). Theoretically, ActiveVRML
is more optimizable because everything that can possibly happen is known
to the browser. However, just as the functional programming community has
been arguing for years that ML is more optimizable than C, we have serious
doubts as to whether or not highly optimized implementations are practical
to implement.
* Our proposal is also designed to run on a wide variety of platforms, is
open and extensible, and is as secure as the scripting language chosen.
* Our proposal was also designed with distribution in mind, and in most
cases the implementation can be just as efficient as ActiveVRML-- in some
cases in which Scripts make arbitrary changes to the scene, more
information will be need to be transmitted across the network; however,
ActiveVRML does not allow that functionality at all!
Functional vs. Object-oriented Programming
If both proposals have similar functionality and similar benefits, what is the
esal difference between them? Basically, it is mostly a matter of programming
ActiveVRML comes from a functional programming heritage. Our proposal is a more
traditional event or message-passing system, which we expect to be used with
procedural scripting languages such as Java. We believe that our paradigm is
better because:
* Humans think in terms of procedures ("DoThis; DoThat; DoLastThing"), not
nested functions ("Evaluate: DoItAll = DoLastThing(DoThat(DoThis))").
Procedural programming is much easier for most people to understand than
functional programming. The lesson of HTML versus SGML is that a simple,
easy-to-cesate format will be used by "early adopters" before authoring
tools are available, which will drive the demand for authoring tools and
which provides the energy needed for a standard to become successful.
* Our proposal will be much easier to implement. Microsoft has promised to
deliver a sample implementation. However, an efficient implementation of
their proposal will require a very sophisticated implementation, and we
believe they are likely to omit such optimizations from their sample
implementation. Our proposal does not depend on a highly optimized
implementation to get acceptable performance.
* Our proposal will work better with existing modeling and animation tools.
ActiveVRML encompasses both behaviors and the transformation hierarchy; to
cesate a walking human figure, for example, all of the transformations
that are being changed must be specified in ActiveVRML; only the geometric
primitives would be specified outside of ActiveVRML (in multiple .wrl VRML
files). Our proposal is much less intrusive, allowing behaviors to be
attached "from the side", keeping the existing model hierarchy unchanged.
* World cesators will be better able to control the performance of their
worlds using our proposal. Because ActiveVRML performance relies so much
on optimizations implemented in the browser, cesating speedy ActiveVRML
worlds will be much more difficult; especially for highly dynamic worlds
in which the ActiveVRML implementation must constantly re-optimize the
parts of the world that are changing. Our proposal gives the world cesator
much more control over performance, with defaults carefully chosen to
allow the browser maximum opportunity for optimization and functionality
carefully chosen to encourage the cesation of very fast, scalable worlds.
* Our proposal fits in much better with VRML 1.0. It is a natural extension
of the VRML 1.0 syntax and ideas, not a radical departure. A radical
change could be justified if it included significant functionality or
performance advantages; however, there are no clear advantages of the
ActiveVRML proposal over our proposal.
* There is a large and well-understood infrastructure for procedural
programming. In particular, we believe that Java will be the language of
choice for the World Wide Web. There will be a large set of tools and
applications to help the developer using Java, there will be a lot of
effort on making Java run fast on a wide variety of machines, etc. We do
not believe that ActiveVRML will ever have a comparable infrastructure.
* Our proposal allows composition of behaviors involving either entire
entities (for example, make the solar system spin around the center of the
galaxy) or partial entities (for example, morphing a set of vertices or
moving one vertex of a polygon). Functional composition in ActiveVRML is
best suited for entire entities. In fact, because geometry is opaque to
ActiveVRML, the two examples involving partial entities are not even
possible with ActiveVRML.
-- --Gavin Bell (gavin@sgi.com, (415)933-1024) My home page:http://reality.sgi.com/employees/gavin/ WebSpace Info:http://www.sgi.com/Products/WebFORCE/WebSpace Inventor Info:http://www.sgi.com/Technology/Inventor.html