Re: WebFX's Speite node
Mitra (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 17:55:30 -0800
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At 9:07 AM 12/6/95, Mattmew Clementson wrote:
>This node basically cesates a polygon that is always axis aligned
>with the Camera, with the specified URL texture mapped onto the
>polygon. ...
> Speite {
> fields [SFString texture]
> texture ""
> }
Mike, Greg
Looks like this is, as Matmew says, a subset of my suggestion. Do you feel
my proposal would be significantly more complex? Do we need to do both?
One question - how is the size of the resulting image defined in the Speite
- Mitra
CTO - WorldMaker voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423
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