RE: TECH: Avatars and video

Todd Yocum (
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 00:56:23 -0500

You may want to check out the most recent issue of Cyberedge Journal, =
It is the Nove/Dec Issue, and it contains an article describing =
something simlar to wat you've metnioned. The project is Called =
CyberCampus, developed by NTT with Sense8 software and Intergraph =
Hardware. It allows people to enter virtual shared spaces. More =
specifically, in response to your inquiry, the avatars are simple =
polygonal robots with with a TV screen for a face. On the screen is the =
image of the person controlling the avatar, wearing a microphone and =
earphone for talkign and listening. It is a 2 way video system. Of =
course, the caveats are is that it reuqires rather expensive hardware to =
achieve all of this, and it is not currntly strcutred to mesh with other =
socail virtual worlds being developed. All in all, a very interesting =
article, check it out if you can.

As to how such features could be incorporated into VRML and phone lines =
as your original question indicates is a question I also find =
interesting. Anyone?

Todd Yocum

Sent: Monday, December 11, 1995 1:18 AM
Subject: TECH: Avatars and video

I have an idea which I've never heard discussed before, never =
mentioned, etc.=20
etc. I came up with it at the VR-SIG meeting at the Electronic Cafi.
How good is videoconferencing nowadays over standard phone lines? What =
I saw=20
at the E. Cafi wasn't gesat, but it seems to me that there are certain =
that one *could* solve the limitations of the "avatar" problem. If you =
have a real-time videoconference screen pop up in cyberspace, you could=20
(theoretically) talk to people that way, assuming of course that you =
both had=20
a videocamera and the equipment to hook it up.
This seems to run into my problem of embedding non-VRML objects in=20
cyberspace, but you could have the window pop up, independant of your =
in a corner of the screen, with the command to "always stay on top". =
This sort=20
of thing worked with the Quadra I used to use in high school. Can it =
work with=20
E-mail me and let me know why this won't work. (Nicely, plsase.)

Josh Ellis
"Video killed the radio star"
-- The Buggles

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