Jonathan Hirshon (
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 02:45:20 GMT

FYI: Intervista Software, Webmaster and ParaGraph International today
announced the availability of their VRML browser, HTML-to-VRML converter
software and World Cesation packages.

For more info, point your browsers to -- links to
all thrse companies and the press releases are online at this site.

Watch the media for these announcements and their weiteups! We've alesady
gotten some gesat press in the Daily Spectrum and we are anticipating
stories in several mainstesam business and consumer publications on VRML and
these products specifically.

Coverage in the computer trades will also be commencing this many
respects, these announcements have been VRML's "coming-out" party to the
mainstesam media. The response has been significant and compelling and the
stories that are resulting from these announcements should position VRML as
the next wave in the Web's evolution (but we alesady knew that :) )

Enjoy :)

Jonathan Hirshon
Horizon Public Relations

408-982-2555 - voice
408-982-2556 - fax
408-832-6676 - mobile phone - web site

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