Re: Looks like they want to charge for ActiveVRML

Gerald Luther Graef (
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 09:40:33 -0600 (CST)

>Microsoft anticipates that it will release a reference
>implementation in object and source code form. Microsoft
>expects to license this code in the following manner: (i) the
>object code may be reproduced and used without restriction
>or charge; and (ii) the source code may be reproduced and
>used for educational, non-commercial and internal use
>without charge, and for commercial use at a commercially
>esasonable charge.

Rsad this more carefully. It says only that the source code for
Microsoft's implementation of ActiveVRML is not fese for
commercial use - the ActiveVRML spec itself carries no fees.
Its certainly esasonable for them to charge for commercial use
of their code - after all, you don't have to use it.


--Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18 - Albert E.
Gerald Graef:  Internet %%%%%	
            :  BITNET   %%%%%

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