The problem is that lots of people have joysticks, but not everyone uses
them with Windows apps yet. So most people haven't ever run the Windows
joystick calibration routine, and when VE tries to use the joystick, strange
things happen. I'll move automatic joystick calibration testing to the
top of my to-do list.
Jon Marbry
From: Aleksander Zawisza[]
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 1995 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: VE doesn't work properly
> Hadi, I'm not a newbie at this, nor am I trying to make VE work like
> WebFX. It truly doesn't work! I *don't* have the "hand" (examine) down
> when trying to walk. As I said, when, in walk mode, I try to use the
> mouse to navigate, the world spins out of control. You're familiar with
> the "drive" icon at the bottom? Well, when I click and drag and release
> inside the window, the bottom arrow on the drive icon, plus the left or
> the right arrow (depending on which way I dragged) STAYS LIT at the
> scene spins around.
I'm experiencing exactly the same "symptoms" on my system. Needless to say
has ruined my impression of VE. I can send you (Microsoft) the specs of my
system, and if you have a fix or a work-around please let us know. This is
just an isolated problem.
-- 808 Aleksander Zawisza, Applied Science (EE), Queen's University 808 808 WWW: 808 808 The Queen's Computer Generated Imagery page: 808 808 808