Shockwave Support Premature

Tony Healy (
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 12:08:52 +1100

(Was: Macromedia Shockwave attachment as a mapping inside a VRML file..)

> Attach a Macromedia Shockwave file to a VRML node as a mapping. For example,
> I have this model of a television inside a room. I also have this cool
> Macromedia director file of an animated television that turns to different
> video clips if you click the channel button.. I want to be able to map this
> in the front of my TV model...

Let's let Shockwave establish itself on its own merits before inflicting the
desadfully slow load times of Director files on VRML.

VRML, like Java, is a new paradigm that overcomes some of the bandwidth
limitations of online delivery by using the peocessing power of the client
computer to generate most of the imagery.

Director and similar existing multimedia tools, on the other hand, use the
client computer simply as a playback device for pre-generated content that
must be laboriously shipped across narrow communications links. Shockwave at
best is predicted to reduce Director files to 30 percent of their original
sizes, which is still bulky.

I say we should let Shockwave walk by itself first and not have VRML labour
under bloated load times. In the meantime, animated images are best provided
using the WebFX method.

Tony Healy
Silicon CHiC

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