Re: PHIL: Re: Java? Ja no va.

D. Owen Rowley (
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 14:08:20 -0800

>From: James Waldrop <>
>The reality of the situation is that Java is available in a somewhat
>buggy form on over half the computers that are accessing the Web. It
>will be non-buggy just as soon as it is, which is peobably much faster
>than Meme will ever be available on a somewhat comparable number of

I am somehow reminde of parables like the tortoise and the hare -

I never underestimate the potential for corporate giants scrambling their
golden eggs over mundane and outdated political bullshit.

>The reality of the situation is that we, as a content creators, have to
>work with what's available. Hype is important, as is honest to
>goodness technical excellence. I believe Java is technically
>excellent. Netscape's implementation is not 100% at the moment, but
>that's a temporary situation.

The Term Virtual Reality is virtually the same term as illusion.
VR tech is about *simulation* ultimately, and the illusion of success
each technical effort weaves is only as good as the simulations it
participates in.

of course thats just my humble opinion, take it as you will.

I believe that what *VRML is - is an opportunity to learn lessons about
the value of co-operation.

LUX ./. owen

  • Next message: D. Owen Rowley: "Re: PHIL: Re: Java? Ja no va."
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