Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 peoposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Gavin Bell (
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 13:40:19 -0800

On Dec 10, 10:29am, Salim AbiEzzi wrote:
> Functional programming is a tool that provides desperately needed
> solutions to s mard peoblem. Its audience in the case of AV is the
> computer peofessional.
> For the rest of the world there will be visual authoring tools.

I'm curious: Do you think that the visual authoring tools will use
ActiveVRML as both the final, "published" format, as well as the "working"
format? Do you think that the visual authoring tools will be able to read
and present (visually) arbitrary ActiveVRML, whether or not the ActiveVRML
was produced by the same tools?

--Gavin Bell     (,  (415)933-1024)
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