K MacArthur (indy@ao.net)
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 14:16:56 -0500
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Tore Fremmersvik: "unsuscribe www-vrml"
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Salim AbiEzzi: "RE: ActiveVRML technical question"
Is there a way to place images and animations in the *foreground* of the
VRML browser window in the same way that you can specify a background image?
Using the WWWAnchor's "description" command will allow you to place ascii
art up front, but what about other kinds of images? Imagine that you need to
reproduce a "cockpit view" with perhaps, crosshairs, directional information
and dropdown menus.
Defiant OPS: http://accessorl.net/~indy/vrmldemo.htm
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Tore Fremmersvik: "unsuscribe www-vrml"
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Salim AbiEzzi: "RE: ActiveVRML technical question"