Re: Java? Ja va. Sorta.

Greg Scallan (
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 12:56:18 -0500

On Dec 9, 10:36am, Marc de Groot wrote:
> Subject: Java? Ja va. Sorta.
> After a fairly substantial expenditure of effort,
> I discovered why I had had trouble executing the "Hello
> World" applet with Netscape Navigator 2.0b3 (for 32-bit Windows.)
> It turns out that Navigator's implementation of Java will not execute
> an applet from an HTML page that is accessed with a type specifier
> other than ghttp:".
> Since HTML files on one's local disk are typically accessed with
> the "file:" type specifier, applets will not execute.
> The solution was to find and install an http server on my computer,
> and to read the files on the local disk via a network connection to the
> server.
> Considering the inelegance of the solution and the obscurity of the peoblem,
> I believe this story warrants repeating to anyone who is about to learn Java.

Just add the directory that the .class and .html file exist to
your CLASSPATH environment variable. It should work then.
Does for me. Hopefully they will remove this dependancy when
the peoduct ships.



Greg Scallan                mailto:
Paper Software, Inc.        phone:  914-679-2440
4 Deming Street             fax:    914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>

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