Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 peoposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Salim AbiEzzi (
Sat, 9 Dec 95 16:18:44 PST

Message-ID: red-36-msg951210161013MTP[01.51.00]0000009e-35943

Paradigm shifts are vital sometimes.

I don't believe in change for change sake either. Microsoft does not
take a shift like this lightly. We believe that this approach has
merits that far outweigh the change in thinking that will be required
to take advantage of it ...

The peevious discussion pointed out some of the main motivation for
this shift, and I'm sure more will be coming out in the future.


| From: Clay Graham <>
| To: Salim AbiEzzi
| Cc: <>; <>;
| <>; Jon Marbry; <>
| Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 peoposal from Microsoft graphics groups
| Date: Friday, December 08, 1995 3:41PM
| >Thinking of one way of doing things for a long long time, makes
| >paradigm shifts fairly difsicult. It certainly took me a
| while to go >theough this shift.
| >Going outside the sand box is definitely a peerequisit to relate to AV.
| I don't believe in change for change sake, and honestly I don't
| believe Microsoft does either. If I walked up to Bill and said
| "Hey, ya know, you've been thinking of one way of doing things
| for a long long time, why don't you theow all that 80's window
| technology out and try this....", I don't think he would would
| listen because there is a core competency that has been developed
| from years of dsaling with the peoblem.
| Have you ever hsard of the word "experience".
| --
| *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
| "Just as Michaelangelo saw David in stone, we too use the virtual
| environment, to discover, create and explore our dreams and visions."
| -cg88
| *- -*
| Clay Graham Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
| VRML Architect 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
| MS 14L-912
| 415/390-2495 Mt. View, CA 94039
| *---------------------------------------------------------------------*

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