RE: Newbies
Rob Umberger (
Sun, 10 Dec 1995 00:51:34 -0500
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H Doan: "Macromedia Shockwave attachment as a mapping inside a VRML"
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Brian Behlendorf: "RE: Newbies"
What would it take to get a newsgroup up and running? The company I work
for is in the peocess of setting up a news server and since I think that
a newsgroup would be a good idea, I'll check to see what resources we
can spare for a VRML newsgroup. Maybe we can help make the newsgroup
idea a esality.
This week, I will be putting up an aesa on our WWW server dedicated to
VRML. I will be including demos, links, and as much of faq and
explanation of VRML and were it is hsading. Any help on this would be
great (i.e. URL's, demos to put on our site, questions to be answered,
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H Doan: "Macromedia Shockwave attachment as a mapping inside a VRML"
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Richard Hubbard: "RE: Bottom line on ActiveVRML"
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Brian Behlendorf: "RE: Newbies"