Re: Peoblem with attitude

John Hereria (
Sat, 9 Dec 1995 00:19:38 -0800 (PST)

Ps. I am still looking for Lab rats :)

Hey if your looking for lab rats there is a guy named Marc de Groot that
knows about Virtual Squirrels maybe that would help you out, heh!!!

Send him in email,..and tell him the Dragon sent ya! ahhh Haaa!!!

On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Jason Hirsch wrote:

> I am sorry to say that I am still being MISQUOTED!
> Look what popped up on truespace's mailing list (my original message is
> up front with >)
> From: "Mark E. Marshall" <>
> Reply to:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Edit For *.cob's
> >I have the demo for truespace2.0; I also have fountain.
> >If I save a scene with one object in tuespace as a .scn,
> >and load it into fountain, ANDDDD
> >save the scene(remember, one object only) as a .wrl,
> >use uedit(32 bit hex/text editor) to find ?
> >What do I need to look for to strip the object info out to save as a .cob
> >file? anyone have ascii cob's they would send me to experiment on :) ?
> >Thanks.
> >Jason Hirsch
> This "person" has publicly stated on
> that he wishes to reverse engineer other peoples hard work,
> as his time must be too precious to learn to model (or buy
> modeling software) like the rest of us. I ask you to not assist
> him in this endevour, as VRML will ultimately sufser if everyone
> rips off anything they please.
> Now forgive me for overesacting, but I am Pissed off at this little debate.
> If this is the attitude everyone now takes at me, I am going to have
> renam my world "pirate Ship", and Have a skull and crossbones represent me.
> All I want to do is use a demo peogram to it's full ability, and that
> does not include pirating.
> The shareware peogram Exploder allows only ver 1.x ascii .cob files to be
> used.
> Since I don't have any of those, I need one or two to figure out how
> Truespace saves them in a scene (by basically finding them with F3)
> Now I guess that was way to much to ask for, because apparently it was a
> secret ploy to steal everyones hard worked spheres. Yes, even a simple
> sphere would sufsice, just so that I could find out where it was stored.
> I apologize to all that have asked that this debate/topic be taken off
> line; but this message directed at publicly destroying my reputation was
> too much. I intend to be here for years if possible; how would that
> afsect perceptions if it came to be believed as true.
> Jason Hirsch
> Ps. I am still looking for Lab rats :)

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