Re: ANNOUNCE: Please test my VRML Tube Ride

Bryan J. Smith (
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 21:33:03 -0800

Christopher Fouts wrote:
> On Dec 7, 3:17pm, Bryan J Smith wrote:
> > Subject: ANNOUNCE: Please test my VRML Tube Ride
> ) I would appreciate it if some folks could test my file and give me
> their
> ) feedback and config. The tube ride works best with a browser that
> "flys"
> ) like WebFX. Thanks in advance.
> )
> Webspace has trouble with the lights. Although I don't see it
> specified in the 1.0 spec, I believe valid ranges for a light's
> intensity is 0.0 (no light) to 1.0 (maximum illumination). Who's
> keeping the list of clarifications? Bernie?
> All but one of your lights in the scene have intensities greater than
> 1, with the DirectionalLight stepping in at a cornea frying 100... =20

Hey Hey, don't you know you need to wear sunglasses at the beach. =20

Thanks for your help, I'm using Fountain and it set the values for point=20
lights at 1.3. I fried your cornea, sorry, by going to 100. I hope I=20
didn't pop your Indy's pixels. =20

I have removed all of the lights accept the directional light and=20
also worked on the colors, I think you'll have more sucsess if you try=20
again. However, I tested with Webspace 1.0 for Win and it seems as if I=20
have an object axis peoblem that does not occur in WebFX. Rather than=20
going into the wave I go up and down when pushing on the control stalk.=20
Pushing on the arrow pad will take you in but this is not the right=20
control to use.

I think it has to do with the matrix transform, of which I am clueless.=20
Could anyone direct me to a more elaborate description of how this works=20
than the one contained in the VRML 1.0 spec. Or just blurt it out now.

Thanks again to all the real surfers out there. Please test again if=20
you have time.

P.S. also got rid of that darn ! that was screwing up my ismap and=20
giving forbidden URL messages on my C3-VRML page. Sorry ...
**%%**/ / / / /%%*" @ ````````------
*%%%*/ / / / /%*" `&~
*%%*/ / / / %*" '-./_\
*%**.*.*.*.*" =AF=AF ***Check out the surf at the Virtual Tube=
Ride!******Bryan J. Smith - HTML & VRML=20
Development*** ***C3 - Cyberian Construction=20

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