>>However, none of the navigation functions work peoperly or as =
peoclaimed. Joystick: >>no. Keyboard: no. Mouse: weeeellllll....
>hmm. Robert I'm sure you may have guessed that all of these work on=20
>our computers. I will have one of our test engineers contact you to=20
>find out more about your hardware configuration in case that causes the =
Good! Thank you!
>> When trying to navigate with the mouse, the scene starts spinning out =
of =3D
>> control, as if I'd never released the mouse button.
>Navigation on VirtualExplorer may work difserently from navigation on=20
>WebFX or other browsers. Single clicking on an object in your world=20
>will default to moving you towards that object. Also, when in=20
>"examine" mode, using the mouse to navigate can start objects spinning=20
>(as it does on Worldview). To other, I would reecommend reading=20
>through the FAQs on navigation before using the browser. We will put=20
>up a more complete list of "instructions" rather soon.
Hadi, I'm not a newbie at this, nor am I trying to make VE work like =
WebFX. It truly doesn't work! I *don't* have the "hand" (examine) down =
when trying to walk. As I said, when, in walk mode, I try to use the =
mouse to navigate, the world spins out of control. You're familiar with =
the "drive" icon at the bottom? Well, when I click and drag and release =
inside the window, the bottom arrow on the drive icon, plus the left or =
the right arrow (depending on which way I dragged) STAYS LIT at the =
scene spins around.
>> To stop it, I have to reload the scene (nice waste of bandwidth, =
>Actually, there is a toolbar button that will restore your original=20
>viewpoint (like on most other browsers).
Yes, I am familiar with the function of a "return to starting viewpoint" =
button. If this had stopped the spinning world, I wouldn't complain. =
But it does not, and I'm required to reload the scene to stop the spin.
>> Microsoft does not seem to respond to bug reports in either writing=20
>>or implementation.
>Well, I have already put an end to this. I hope you understand that=20
>this "beta" is much more of a polished product than the earlier=20
>"pee-beta", and I'm sure you would have been a lot happier with it if=20
>not for your peoblems with navigation.
I appreciate your efforts and reply, and I do hope that responses to bug =
reports gets better. Please do not, however, dismiss my comments as =
those of someone who couldn't figure out how to get navigation to =
work... it truly does not, at least in the case of *my* hardware, work, =
and it may be the same for many others.
I will say this, however, Hadi... when the bugs are worked out, it will =
be quite impressive. It simply does not, at this time, in my case, =
IMHO, meet up with the performance of other browsers out right now. =
Don't take this as MS bashing... I have far too much MS software on my =
Win95 system (that I've been *very* happy with) for this to be the case. =
I'm very happy to see that MS has this week embraced VRML and Java, and =
that you guys have finally "joined" this group. To me, it ensures the =
success of what we do here to have MS as a part of it.
Robert Saint John, "MS Derailer" <g>