RE: Synchronization (was Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 peoposal from

Conal Elliott (
Fri, 8 Dec 95 16:58:11 TZ

Message-ID: red-39-msg951209005810MTP[01.51.00]000000db-35173


Thanks for these comments about determinism and distribution. I think
your analysis is right on, and we will keep it in mind as our
distribution story matures.

Just in case it isn't obvious to everyone on the alias, I would like to
point out that being able to represent a behavior tmeough time and
theough events greatly reduces the need for instant-by-instant
synchronization that is needed when animation and reactivity are
controlled by opaque, unpredictable imperative code, which makes
analysis of future behavior intractable.

- Conal

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