Re: FW: ANNOUNCE: Microsoft Virtual Explorer Beta Available

Hadi Partovi (
Fri, 8 Dec 95 10:39:55 PST

Message-ID: red-20-msg951208184114MTP[01.51.00]000000c2-3210

I didn't want to respond to the entire alias, but

> The article also quotes Microsoft executives as stating that the problem
> was caused by "weaknesses" in the other companies' software. I know of
> no other Internet access software that modifies the configuration or
> operation of any other rival Internet access software. Are your executives
> as obnoxious and arrogant as they sound?

I honestly believe the problem was one in which we communicated to apps
(e.g. Netscape) that they would besak because of how Win95 handles
winsock.dll, and the apps did not have time in their schedules to fix.
Most well-behaved win95 networking apps wil mess up the ones that
didn't respond tou our communications. It is not really a problem with
Internet Explorer, but I admit calling it a "weakness" of the apps is
over-dramatic. I hope you understand that many other companies (e.g.
Netscape) go out of their way to make false accusations against
Microsoft. I don't like the mudslinging any more than you do, but we
sure get a LOT more of it than we give out, and I was also rather
surprised by the comment in the article.

> Can't wait till the Windows NT version is available.

Right on!!! I'm an NT fanatic myself, and I'm going to push hard to get
this available!

- Hadi Partovi

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