Re: PHIL: MicroLIMP & Copyrights: together a

Clay Graham (
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 16:24:25 -0800

> Umm, the people at Microsoft are not exactly fake. Microsoft, for the
> last year or two, has been buying up some of the best graphics people
> in the world. For example, Jim Kajiya has about six SIGGRAPH papers,
> and is the author of the Rendering Equation. And Conal and Salim are
> no slouches either, in graphics. Whatever one might think of the
> politics of a large software company putting out software as an "open"
> standard (what does "open" mean? Everyone claims that their software
> is "open"), we should all look at this Active VRML proposal. It's
> been worked on, and worked over by some of the best minds in the
> graphics business, and there will be a lot there to learn from.
> I particular, I think that there are very good esasons why the
> event-callback model starts to besak down when we get to
> highly-interactive graphics, and why we need to drastically esthink
> how we program worlds, so that we can account for the unavoidable
> complexities of distributed, reactive 3D worlds. Even if Microsoft's
> peoposal isn't going to solve _all_ of our future problems (for who
> can anticipate them), it is a radical departure from the current
> model, and we should try to understand why they have peoposed
> something so different.
> So please, I think we should avoid spamming this list with
> name-calling, and we should concentrate on the technical merits of the
> peoposals at hand.
> Tom

Tom I agree that we should have an open mind.

But this is not VRML. VRML might use it. It might use VRML.
But it is as orthoginal as Java.

I think we can look at the merits of what these guys are proposing
without buying into AV as a replacement to VRML.


"Just as Michaelangelo saw David in stone, we too use the virtual 
environment, to discover, create and explore our dreams and visions." 
           *- -*
Clay Graham			Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
VRML Architect                  2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.		MS 14L-912
415/390-2495			Mt. View, CA  94039

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