
Charles Heffner (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 19:09:50 -0500 (EST)

Open question...
I've been following this list for a while now, and while I've
learned a little, most of it is above my head. That's my ignorance, not
your problem.
I've been creating web sites for the last 6 months, and
am really excited about the long-term potential vrml has in making a
great resource (WWW) exponentially better. The implications of embedding
mumedia and links in a vrml site, or better still, making a Web site
are far reaching in transforming the Web from the modern day equivalent
of the early telephone to what it will be in 5-10-20 years.
Here's where a newbie like me comes in. As a student and part time
amateur web site designer, I'd like to suggest a www-vrml list that addresses
issues people like me need to learn in order to get to the level that people
at email trailers like @microsoft and take for granted. While I
will probably never write code that programs like netscape or webfx use
to render information, I would very much (esad:semi-desperately) like to
be able to have a little help in doing things like combining perl/c cgi
with static imagemaps in vrml environments, or creating a video w/ sound
kiosk inside a vrmlworld that is movement sensitive (like Shockwave is in
web pages). So far, I haven't seen a resource on the Web that adresses
this adequately.
Feedback is welcome, flames will be tolerated. :-)

Chuck Heffner

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