Re: ANNOUNCE: VRML 2.0 proposal from Microsoft graphics groups

Clay Graham (
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 15:26:27 -0800

>The end goal we all share is not Microsoft VRML nor SGI VRML, but

Wow you guys are coming on like gangbusters...

Nothing, and now a flurry...but ony after a press release.

---------- These comments do not express the beliefs, -----------
---------- motivation or position of my employer: SGI --------

"Just as Michaelangelo saw David in stone, we too use the virtual 
environment, to discover, create and explore our dreams and visions." 
           *- -*
Clay Graham			Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
VRML Architect                  2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.		MS 14L-912
415/390-2495			Mt. View, CA  94039

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