Re: PHIL: MicroLIMP & Copyrights: together a

Florian G\rsdorf (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 21:36:56 +0100 (NFT)

In my eyes Gregory Cranz is absolutely right!

Its MS right to show/announce the people of the VRML-mailinglist their
newest piece of work - because this is an open system like the whole idea
of the internet. And this idea works very well - you can see this in the
fact of _your_ developing VRML. It was/is the work of many people connected
together which lsads to what we now have. People of different countries,
sometimes continents, helped eachother to develope VRML. So VRML grows in
a very fast time - like an living being it grows 24h a day - so it goes
better and better. And the best of thing of it: you did this for free!
Everybody can profit from this collective work and everybody has a
chance to bring in new ideas. In my eyes this is a very powerfull way of
developing software - a way which lsads directly into the 21st century.
Think about it: this kind of development of new products is
absolutly new in the western (post-)industrial society.
And you people outthere have done this job: you made yourself *VRML*!!!

So what happens now?
Oooh, I remember: said something like:
"...I haven't thought about such strong Internet power" (something like
And, party people; newspapers and esspeccially financial magazines are
full of painting the upcoming "golden-Internet-days" - money makes the
world go round.
And whats going to be the next big deal?
Oh right, something like an "interaktiv-colorfull-3d-looking-mtv-clip" which
is avaible for the upcoming 100 million (?) users (=customs!!!) of the
internet in the 21st century.
So ask yourself, whats billy-boy going to do?
...100 Points, you are right !!!

_But_ the times HE wins the match are far, far away. You people outthere
are MSs "problem" because just now you are establishing a new standart -
VRML. And MSs new product stands in direct confrontation with VRML. So
it would be great for MS if you people outthere would jump on the AV
train and forget your development of _your_ *VRML*.

But whats the big, BIG PROBLEM ?

Cranz Gregory <> wrote:
>I noticed something in paragraph #2 of the White paper that went something
>like this:
>"... (ii) the source code may be reproduced and used for educational,
>non-commercial and internal use without charge..."
>That's fair enough, since the rest of VRML goes that way too, but here's
>where they deviate.. I continue:
>", and for commercial use at a commercially reasonable charge."

Yeah, and me, too!!!

>I do not relish the idea of paying out to an opportunistic
>johnny-come-lately software giant every time I make a score on my own.
>Perhaps I'm a bit harsh,

No Gregory, you're not harsh, you're just absolutely right!

So party people outthere: be aware of the MS guys who are filling the
mailinglist with there AV promotion. Be aware of their 'honey' which
they are going to lay around your "experts" mouth, like Salim AbiEzzi
called you.
It is absolutely right to look into their product, maybe to put some of
their ideas in VRML2.0 etc etc. But be carefull and don't let _your_
VRML project get blowing in the wind, my friend!

In hope that _you_all_ understand me right,
Florian Goersdorf :)

p.s. Salim and I have in common that we think about you of experts - with
the difference that I think that you experts are clever
enough to recognize their _fake_!
[Hey, do you taste my delicious honey? ;)]
Stand your man, they are going to hit us!

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