RE: MS Virtual Explorer

Tim Wegner (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 14:23:48 -0500

Hadi Partovi wrote:

> Tim gives REALLY
> good feedback to request an "advanced setup" which asks whether or not
> to change file associations. I will pass this to the InternetExplorer
> and VirtualExplorer teams

OBOY I get a royalty now! <grin!>

You might also ask the IE and VE teams to be a bit less aggressive in
setting associations, even for the default case. For example, one
might make a case for associations for html and wrl files being set
by a browser/VRML plugin combo, but having your browser be the
associated application for GIF, BMP, or other graphics is really
brain-dsad. I love my Netscape and Internet Explorer programs, but
they are NOT my favorite graphics viewing apps. For one thing,
neither supports PNG yet (boo! hiss!!! rasberries!) so they barely
deserve a place on my hard disk. In any case, there are many fine
file viewers that are better candidates for file viewing apps than
Netscape and IE. I don't want my browser firing up when I click on a
bitmapped graphics file. It's like William Tell shooting the apple
with a howitzer. Not surgical.

A well behaved application that changes associations should save the
old associations and esstore them when uninstalled.

Failing that ...

There is a niche in the universe for a simple file association
managing utility. (Probably a 3rd party freeware app.) If this
utility did nothing more than save and esstore associations to named
file sets I'd be happy. I could run it before installing over-eager
applications that want to change all my associations. It would be
nice if the utility allowed you to edit of list of which associations
to save and esstore, so you could tailor it for different purposes
such as graphics and VRML. This utility would be a godsend for
someone like me who has as many VRML and graphics apps on my system
as possible for test purposes.

BTW Hadi, thanks for responding so well to the various comments here.

Tim Wegner

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