Microsoft and VRML
Fri, 08 Dec 1995 14:20:00 -0500

After all the talk about Microsoft's language, I think we should move elsewhere. Microsoft seems to be moving in after smelling money to be made. I say, if MS wants to be a player, they should release their code free of charge to everyone, includin
>The ActiveVRML proposal from Microsoft is not `yet another language'.
>It's a familiar one, at least to computer scientists in the UK.
>It bears a striking resemblance to Standard ML from Edinburgh University.
>There are syntactic differences, but the notions of type inference,
>polymorphism, higher order functions and pattern matching appear to
>be those of SML, as originated by Robin Milner. This being the case I
>would have expected acknowledgement of Robin Milner and the debt due to SML.
>SML is the result of many years of work and was awarded the
>British Computer Society Award for Technical Achievement in 1987.

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